


的 "SIMPLE" Plan: A Retirement Plan for the Really Small Business

几种不同类型的退休计划——401(k), 固定收益, and profit-sharing - can be made to suit a prosperous small business or professional practice. But if yours is a really small business such as a home-based, 启动, 或副业业务, 也许你应该考虑采用简单个人退休帐户计划.

A SIMPLE IRA plan is a type of retirement plan specifically designed for small business and is an acronym for "Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees." SIMPLE IRA plans are intended to encourage small business employers to offer retirement coverage to their employees but work just as well for self-employed persons without employees.

SIMPLE IRA plans contemplate contributions in two steps: first by the employee out of salary, 然后是雇主, as a "matching" contribution (which can be less than the employee contribution). Where SIMPLE IRA Plans are used by self-employed persons without employees - as IRS expressly allows - 自主创业的人 is contributing both as employee and employer, with both contributions made from self-employment earnings.

One form of SIMPLE IRA plan allows employer contributions without employee contributions. 缴款上限, 在这种情况下, makes this SIMPLE IRA Plan option unattractive for self-employed individuals without employees.


  • 员工必须少于100人.
  • 不能有其他的退休计划.
  • 员工的年薪必须达到5000美元.


  • Plan is not subject to the discrimination rules that everyday 401(k) plans are.
  • 雇员在所有缴款中享有全部权益.
  • Straightforward benefit formula allows for easy administration.
  • Optional participant loans and hardship withdrawals add flexibility for employees.
  • 没有其他的退休计划可以维持.
  • Withdrawal and loan flexibility adds administrative burden for the employer.


Those with relatively modest earnings will find that a SIMPLE IRA Plan lets them contribute (invest) and deduct more than other plans. 一个简单的IRA计划, you can put in and deduct some or all of your self-employed business earnings. 的 limit on this "elective deferral" is $13,500 in 2021 (same as 2020).

如果你的收入超过了这个限度, you could make a modest further deductible contribution--specifically, 你作为雇主的相应贡献. Your employer contribution would be three percent of your self-employment earnings, up to a maximum of the elective deferral limit for the year. So employee and employer contributions for 2021 can't total more than $27,000 ($13,500最大员工选择延期, 外加最高$13,雇主的供款为500英镑.)

赶上贡献. Owner-employees age 50 or over can make a further deductible "catch up" contribution as employee of $3,2021年(与2020年相同).

An owner-employee age 50 or over in 2021 with self-employment earnings of $40,000可以捐款并扣除13美元,500美元,外加3美元,000名员工赶上贡献, 加1美元,200美元(40美元的3%),000)雇主匹配, 一共17美元,700.

Low-income owner-employees in SIMPLE IRA Plans may also be allowed a tax credit up to $2,在2021年,单个申请者的申请费用为4美元,000万已婚人士共同存档). This is known as the "Saver's Credit" and income in 2021 must not be more than $66,夫妻共同存档,000, $33,单人间$ 000和$49,户主500英镑.

SIMPLE IRA plans are an excellent choice for home-based businesses and ideal for full-time employees or homemakers who make a modest income from a sideline business.

If living expenses are covered by your day job (or your spouse's job), then you would be free to put all of your sideline earnings, 激动到极点, 进入SIMPLE IRA计划退休投资.

个人401(k)计划, 然而, 能让你贡献更多吗, 通常更, 比简单IRA计划. 例如, 如果你不到50岁,只有50美元,2021年,个体户收入将达到1万美元, 你可以捐13美元,500 to your 简单的爱尔兰共和军计划 plus an additional 3 percent of $50,作为雇主的供款, 一共15美元,000. 401(k)计划允许缴纳3.2万美元.

With $100,000 of earnings, the total for a SIMPLE IRA Plan would be $16,500 and $44,500 for a 401(k).



的re's no legal barrier to withdrawing amounts from your SIMPLE IRA Plan, whenever you please. 可能会有税收成本, 不过:除了常规的所得税, the 10 percent penalty tax on early withdrawal (generally, withdrawal before age 59 1/2) rises to 25 percent on withdrawals in the first two years the SIMPLE IRA Plan is in existence.



简易IRA计划 really is a "simple" plan to set up and operate than most other plans. 捐款进入你设立的个人退休账户. Those already familiar with IRA rules investment options, 结婚的权利, 债权人的权利也没有什么新东西可学.

Requirements for reporting to the IRS and other agencies are negligible, 至少对你来说, 自主创业的人. 您的简单个人退休计划的受托人或托管人, 通常是投资机构, has reporting duties and the process for figuring the deductible contribution is a bit simpler than with other plans.



Other types of retirement plans are often better than the SIMPLE IRA Plan once self-employment earnings become significant. 其他不太好的功能包括:

Because investments are through an IRA, you're not in direct control. You must work through a financial or other institution acting as trustee or custodian, and will in practice have fewer investment options than if you were your own trustee, 就像你在基奥一样. For many self-employed individuals, 然而, this won't be an issue. In this respect, a SIMPLE IRA Plan is like the 9月-IRA.

Other plans for self-employed persons allow a deduction for one year (say 2021) if the contribution is made the following year (2022) before the prior year's (2021) return is due (April 2022 or later 与扩展). 这条规则适用于简单IRA计划, for the matching (3 percent of earnings) contribution you make as an employer. But there's no IRS pronouncement on when the employee's portion of the SIMPLE IRA Plan is due where the only employee is 自主创业的人. Those who want to delay contribution would argue that they have as long as it takes to compute self-employment earnings for 2021 (though not beyond the 2021 return due date, 与扩展).

的 sooner your money goes in the plan, the longer it's working for you tax-free. So delaying your contribution isn't the wisest financial move.

You can't set up the SIMPLE IRA Plan after the year ends and still get a deduction for that year, 这是9月s所允许的. 一般, to make a SIMPLE IRA Plan effective for the year it must be set up by October 1 of that same year. A later date is allowed where the business is started after October 1. In this instance, the SIMPLE IRA Plan must be set up as soon thereafter as administratively feasible.

的n there's a problem if the SIMPLE IRA Plan is intended for a sideline business and you're already in a 401(k) plan in another business or as an employee. 在这个场景中, the total amount you can put into the SIMPLE IRA Plan and the 401(k) plan combined can't be more than $19,2021年500或6,500 if catch-up contributions are made to the 401(k) by one age 50 or over.

Here's an example: If someone who is less than age 50 puts $10,在她的401(k)计划中有000美元, 他们不能放超过9美元,她在2021年的简易IRA计划中增加了500个. 的 same limit applies if you have a SIMPLE IRA Plan while also contributing as an employee to a "403(b) annuity" (typically for government employees and teachers in public and private schools).



You can set up a SIMPLE IRA Plan on your own by using IRS Form 5304-SIMPLE, Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE)--Not for Use With a Designated Financial Institution, 5305 -简单,或形式 Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE)--for Use With a Designated Financial Institution, but most people turn to financial institutions to take care of the paperwork for them. SIMPLE IRA Plans are offered by the same financial institutions that offer IRAs and 401(k) plans.

You can expect the institution to give you a plan document (approved by IRS or with approval pending) and an adoption agreement. 在收养协议中, 您将选择一个“生效日期”," which is the beginning date for payments out of salary or business earnings. 还记得, that date can't be later than October 1 of the year you adopt the plan, 十月一日以后成立的公司除外.

另一个关键文件是减薪协议, which briefly describes how money goes into your SIMPLE IRA Plan. You need such an agreement even if you pay yourself business profits rather than salary.

Printed guidance on operating the SIMPLE IRA Plan may also be provided. You will also be establishing a SIMPLE IRA Plan account for yourself as a participant.







计划类型: Can be 固定收益 or defined contribution (profit-sharing or money purchase)



Owner may have two or more plans of different types, including a 9月, currently or in the past



计划必须存在 by the end of the year for which contributions are made

Plan can be set up later--if by the due date (与扩展) of the return for the year contributions are made

Plan generally must be in existence by October 1st of the year for which contributions are made

美元捐款上限(2021年): $58,000 for defined contribution plan; no specific ceiling for 固定收益 plan



捐款的百分比限制: 50% of earnings, for defined contribution plans (100%的收益 after contribution). Elective deferrals in 401(k) not subject to this limit. 固定受益计划无百分比限制.

收益的50%(贡献后收益的100%). Elective deferrals in 9月s formed before 1997 not subject to this limit.

100%的收益, 到13美元,500 for 2021 for contributions as employee; 3% of earnings, 到13美元,作为雇主供款500英镑

扣除限额: For defined contribution, lesser of $58,000 or 20% of earnings (25% of earnings after contribution). 401(k)可选延期付款不受此限制. 对于固定收益,净收益.

Lesser of $58,000 or 20% of earnings (25% of earnings after contribution). Elective deferrals in 9月s formed before 1997 not subject to this limit.


赶上贡献50或以上: 2021年,401(k)s计划的最高额度为6500美元


Half the limit for 基奥计划s, 9月s (up to $3,000 in 2021)

在年的服务 能算在计算贡献中吗



投资: 广泛的投资机会. 业主可以直接控制投资.

投资范围有点窄. 较少对投资的直接控制.


取款: 对退休年龄前的取款有一些限制



允许提款 在59岁半之前,仍可能面临10%的处罚


和基奥法则一样 except penalty is 25% in 简单的爱尔兰共和军计划 Plan's first two years

配偶的权利: Federal law grants spouse certain rights in owner's plan



展期 allowed to another plan (基奥计划 or corporate), 9月 or IRA, but not a 简单的爱尔兰共和军计划.


展期 after 2 years to another 简单的爱尔兰共和军计划 and to plans allowed under 基奥计划 rule

一些报告职责 are imposed, depending on plan type and amount of plan assets





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